Here is how I create an AI assistant without a database or special API. We'll rely on the AI model itself using Groq for a super fast response. L

Create a super fast AI assistant with Groq (Without a database)

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2024-05-16 02:30:04

Here is how I create an AI assistant without a database or special API. We'll rely on the AI model itself using Groq for a super fast response.

Last week, I tried to build a voice AI assistant using OpenAI AI assistant. It takes a while to generate a response, which is not suitable for a voice assistant. So, I'm looking for an alternative to make my assistant faster. That's how I found out about Groq. This post will cover how I build an AI assistant using Groq.

Pros and Cons summary Pro: Easy to implement with only one API (Groq API). Respond is fast. Cons: The longer we chat, the higher the chance that we might lose some context along the way.

Groq is a service that provides a super fast engine to run AI applications. It's not an AI model! We can run different AI models like Llama, Mixtral, Gemma and more!

Many AI models exist, but only OpenAI offers an easy way to implement a chat-like experience using the Assistants API. By default, these models won't know or understand the context of our previous chat. So, we have to re-explain everything if we want the AI to understand the context of each message.

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