This is not just another story of a disgruntled ex-employee. I’m not shying away from the serious corporate espionage or the ethical dilemmas I faced during my brief tenure at Meta.
I’m not proud of everything I did. I used to think of myself as an idealistic tech enthusiast, but Meta has a way of making the worst come out of people.
Besides, their legal team can’t touch me — I checked with my lawyer and my compiler. My logic is sound. More on that later.
I prepared for the interview like crazy, refreshing my knowledge of all the trendy Silicon Valley buzzwords, like “quantum” and “default mode network.”
The algorithm question was a bit silly — something only a trendy FAANG company could propose with a straight face: “Write a program that generates text like the lyrics of ‘Girls and Boys’ by Blur and outputs a chain of ‘X who likes Y who likes Z’ up to an arbitrary depth.”
Girls who want boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they’re girls Who do girls like they’re boys — “Girs and Boys,” Blur, 1994