My main computer is a Linux/BSD desktop, but I also use a Mac laptop for recording and travel. This created a problem keeping them in sync.
I don’t like that the MacOS user’s home has directories like Movies and Pictures that we can’t delete, or that ~/Library is filled with Mac-only crap I don’t want on my other computer. Also, why did Apple make it /Users/me and not /home/me?
Of course you have to be able to SSH into your other computer, so if not, go figure that out first. I’ll assume that “desktop” reaches your Linux/BSD/other computer, probably via a nice entry in ~/.ssh/config
When it’s done, verify that everything from /home/me on your Linux/BSD computer is in /home/me on your Mac. Then move a file from your Mac Desktop or Documents into /home/me/ and copy it back:
When it’s done, verify that whatever you just added from your Mac is now on your Linux/BSD computer. I like to go back and forth a couple times to be absolutely sure it’s working correctly, to make sure I can rely on it.