Below MI - IBM i for Hackers

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2024-06-30 15:00:07

IBM i is a vertically integrated system, where the vendor has full control over both hardware and software from the operating system to the CPU. The tight control over the platform allowed IBM to create a completely abstract development environment, so applications can become truly independent from the underlying hardware, implementing full backwards compatibility. This is achieved through the Machine Interface (MI): an intermediate translation layer between program logic and native code. MI instructions work on “objects” instead of raw (virtual) memory. This object-oriented design and its supporting safety mechanisms implemented in the translator (the component responsble for generating native from intermetiate representations of programs) pose uniqe challenges in the exploitation of memory safety issues on IBM i.

In this writeup we provide a summary of technical information crucial to evaulate the exploitability and impact of memory safety problems in IBM i programs. As administrators and developers of IBM i aren’t supposed to work “below MI level” this kind of information is not officially documented by the vendor. The information presented here is thus based on already published reverse engineering results12, and our own findings uncovered using IBM’s System Sertice Tools (SST) and the POWER-AS specific Processor extensions we developed for the Ghidra reverse engineering framework.

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