Sized, DynSized, and Unsized · baby steps

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2024-04-23 21:30:06

Extern types have been blocked for an unreasonably long time on a fairly narrow, specialized question: Rust today divides all types into two categories — sized, whose size can be statically computed, and unsized, whose size can only be computed at runtime. But for external types what we really want is a third category, types whose size can never be known, even at runtime (in C, you can model this by defining structs with an unknown set of fields). The problem is that Rust’s ?Sized notation does not naturally scale to this third case. I think it’s time we fixed this. At some point I read a proposal — I no longer remember where — that seems like the obvious way forward and which I think is a win on several levels. So I thought I would take a bit of time to float the idea again, explain the tradeoffs I see with it, and explain why I think the idea is a good change.

The basic idea is to deprecate the ?Sized notation and instead have a family of Sized supertraits. As today, the default is that every type parameter T gets a T: Sized bound unless the user explicitly chooses one of the other supertraits:

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