Dynamic Let - The Empire Strikes Back

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Style Pass
2024-10-29 11:30:06

In the last post I've described a technique to use dynamic variables by value instead of the name by utilizing the operator PROGV. Apparently it works fine on all Common Lisp implementations I've tried except from SBCL, where the number of thread local variables is by default limited to something below 4000. To add salt to the injury, these variables are not garbage collected.

This renders our new technique not very practical given SBCL popularity. We need to either abandon the idea or come up with a workaround.

Luckily for us we've already introduced a layer of indirection. Operators to access dynamic variables are called DLET, DSET and DREF. This means, that it is enough to provide a kludge implementation for SBCL with minimal changes to the remaining code.

The old code works the same as previously except that instead of SYMBOL-VALUE we use the accessor DYNAMIC-VARIABLE-VALUE, and the old call to PROGV is now DYNAMIC-VARIABLE-PROGV. Moreover DYNAMIC-EFFECTIVE-SLOT used functions BOUNDP and MAKUNBOUND, so we replace these with DYNAMIC-VARIABLE-BOUND-P and DYNAMIC-VARIABLE-MAKUNBOUND. To abstract away things further we also introduce the constructor MAKE-DYNAMIC-VARIABLE

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