journalist covering hackers/crime/privacy for @motherboard. Signal: +44 20 8133 5190. Wickr: josephcox. Email:          You can a

Joseph Cox on Twitter: "In a call today with Apple, we asked if China demanded Apple deploy its CSAM or a similar system to detect images other than CSAM (political, etc), would Apple pull out of that market? Apple speaker said that would be above their pay grade, and system not launching in China."

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Style Pass
2021-08-09 23:30:03

journalist covering hackers/crime/privacy for @motherboard. Signal: +44 20 8133 5190. Wickr: josephcox. Email:

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In a call today with Apple, we asked if China demanded Apple deploy its CSAM or a similar system to detect images other than CSAM (political, etc), would Apple pull out of that market? Apple speaker said that would be above their pay grade, and system not launching in China.

Also said system has things in place such as Apple having the inability to add hashes itself to the hash list, the sourcing of the hash list (NCMEC), Apple having one operating system globally and not per country.

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