colmi_r02_client API documentation

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Style Pass
2024-10-14 01:30:14

You can get it on here on AliExpress. If that link is dead try searching for "COLMI R02", I got mine from "Colmi official store". It cost me $CAD 22 shipped.

If you don't know python that well, I highly recommend you install pipx. It's puprpose built for managing python packages intended to be used as standalone programs and it will keep your computer safe from the pitfalls of python packaging. Once installed you can do

You can use the colmi_r02_client.client class as a library to do your own stuff in python. I've tried to write a lot of docstrings, which are visible on the docs site

I've kept a lab notebook style stream of consciousness notes on, starting with 2024-07-07 Smart Ring Hacking and eventually getting put under one folder. That's the best source for all the raw stuff.

At a high level though, you can talk to and read from the ring using BLE. There's no binding or security keys required to get started. (that's kind of bad, but the range on the ring is really tiny and I'm not too worried about someone getting my steps or heart rate information. Up to you).

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