Tech for Freedom and Justice

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2024-05-15 22:30:06

The horrors taking place in Gaza over the past six months are irreconcilable with any notions of a shared humanity and human rights. Israel has killed over 31,000 people, including more than 13,000 children. Israel has also forcibly displaced nearly 2 million people - all while depriving them of critical humanitarian supplies. The people of the Gaza Strip are currently grappling with widespread famine, disease and displacement.

While many in the tech community rushed to support Israel following October 7th, the silence surrounding the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza disregards the sanctity of human life. This catastrophe demands our immediate attention, empathy and unwavering collective action. As James Baldwin famously said, “these are all our children”.

As members of the global venture and tech community, we recognize the imperative for decisive action in pursuit of progress and positive change. We urgently call upon our community to stand in support of human rights and against extremism, advocating vocally for peace, justice, and the well-being of all individuals affected, including the immediate release of all civilian hostages and prisoners. The continued death and destruction in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank will not bring peace and security to the world.

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