As soon as I start a project, I get it shipped to production with a Git-push based pipeline. I do this even before the project is anything. It means

Ship Early. Find Bugs.

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Style Pass
2024-05-13 07:30:03

As soon as I start a project, I get it shipped to production with a Git-push based pipeline. I do this even before the project is anything. It means I can go through the motions of getting changes out to users when I don’t even have any yet. What’s more, there are problems that don’t show up running on localhost. Solving those problems one-at-a-time is much less stressful than fixing them all at once on some pre-defined ship date.

Along with getting the project shipped early, I will instrument it to help me debug the code in production. That paid off with my latest project Devy which I plan on sharing with early users next month.

The API for Devy runs on which enables Grafana dashboards by default. Looking over these logs the other day, I noticed a 500 error. Oops.

A fact of life, running code open to the internet, is that when you configure an SSL cert, the public record of this act attracts bots. I have seen this with every project I’ve shipped that uses LetsEncrypt, but I’m certain it happens with any certificate authority.

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