The latest version of Teejeetech's take on Ubuntu offers what many users wish Canonical did – natively packaged Firefox and the choice of whether to

With Asmi 24.04, Ubuntu's never looked so snappy (without the Snaps)

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2024-05-15 16:00:04

The latest version of Teejeetech's take on Ubuntu offers what many users wish Canonical did – natively packaged Firefox and the choice of whether to use Snap, Flatpak, or neither.

Asmi 24.04 is the new LTS release, based on the newly released Ubuntu 24.04 "Noble Numbat." It offers a selection of interesting refinements to Canonical's underlying OS, many of which we suspect will be crowd-pleasers.

Asmi is the successor to Zinc Linux, which we looked at in late 2022. Developer Tony George renamed it to avoid confusion with another Debian distro that chose the same name.

Rather than stock Ubuntu with the GNOME desktop, it's fairer to compare Asmi to the nearly Snap-free Xubuntu 24.04. Like Xubuntu, it comes with Xfce, and like Xubuntu "Noble," it offers two separate downloads. As well as a full edition, both also give you the choice of a minimal edition with few installed apps.

Asmi's login screen. We like the wallpaper, evoking the loneliness of going without two bloated package formats, perhaps – click to enlarge

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