Analyst firm Gartner has published its 2024 Hype Cycle for Data Center Infrastructure Technologies, and added virtual-to-physical migrations – aka

VMware license changes mean bare metal can make a comeback through 'devirtualization', says Gartner

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2024-07-03 22:00:03

Analyst firm Gartner has published its 2024 Hype Cycle for Data Center Infrastructure Technologies, and added virtual-to-physical migrations – aka "devirtualization" – to its list of ideas that are set to take off, thanks to Broadcom's licensing changes.

"As on-premises virtualization projects move from [enterprise license agreement] ELA and perpetual licenses to new bundling, socket-to-core ratios and consumption models, the costs and pricing can increase two or three times," the Hype Cycle opines.

Those costs are hard to justify for some large workloads, which Gartner wrote "do not benefit from the same density increases and cost savings as consolidating small workloads."

Devirtualization can therefore help, Gartner argues – with plenty of caveats about the cost and complexity of acquiring and operating bare metal systems that offer the same resilience as a virtualized environment.

The Hype Cycle rates devirtualization as currently applicable to one percent of orgs, but rates it as five-to-ten years away from reaching the "plateau of productivity" at which technologies are mature.

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