In-depth Chatterbox Lab CEO Danny Coleman alleges that after three and a half years of uncompensated work to provide the US Defense Department with tools for "Responsible AI," he found himself accused of trying to blackmail the government.
"It's the worst thing that's ever been leveled at me in my 32-year career," Coleman told The Register. "The legal ramifications for that individual, once I get to that stage, are going to be around defamation."
Coleman's supposed crime was to object to the reversal of the publicly announced award of a five-year contract worth $24 million to his company and strategic partner Deloitte. The deal called for Chatterbox to provide the Pentagon's recently formed Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) with "Responsible AI" software.
The proposal to use Chatterbox Labs' AIMI software to evaluate the safety of DoD AI Algorithmic Warfare models – action called for in President Biden's October 2023 Executive Order 14110 – had progressed successfully through preliminary evaluation since it was solicited in 2020.