Qualcomm is said to be interested in Intel's client PC design business, according to unnamed sources cited in a Reuters report on Friday.
The mobile chip designer is also rumored to be exploring other aspects of the business, but the server segment probably won't be one of them, one source told Reuters.
With the launch of its X Elite notebook chips this spring, Qualcomm – a semiconductor goliath best known for designing Arm-based mobile chips used in smartphones and tablets – has become a direct competitor to x86-slinger Intel.
It's not hard to see why Intel's PC design business — which likely refers to a segment responsible for developing reference designs in collaboration with OEMs and not the chips themselves — could prove to be a valuable asset for Qualcomm as it looks to expand into the PC segment.
Again, Qualcomm is all about Arm compatibility and to a degree RISC-V, so whatever part of Intel it may be interested in, we can't imagine it will be directly x86 cores.