Chinese authorities have published another set of allegations that assert the Volt Typhoon cyber-crew is an invention of the US and its allies, and no

China again claims Volt Typhoon cyber-attack crew was invented by the US to discredit it

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2024-10-15 10:30:07

Chinese authorities have published another set of allegations that assert the Volt Typhoon cyber-crew is an invention of the US and its allies, and not a crew run by Beijing.

Published on Monday in five languages, a document titled "Lie to Me: Volt Typhoon III – Unravelling Cyberespionage and Disinformation Operations Conducted by US Government Agencies" largely revisits the content of a similar document published in July.

Volt Typhoon is accused by Five Eyes nations of being a Beijing-backed team that targets American networks and critical infrastructure.

In its latest document, China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) and National Engineering Laboratory for Computer Virus Prevention Technology claim that Beijing's previous publications on the matter saw over 50 cybersecurity experts contact it to share their belief that US authorities and Microsoft lacked evidence to associate Volt Typhoon with China.

The document does go over a lot of old ground, detailing known US capabilities and efforts – such as Section 702 warrantless surveillance of foreigners. It also points out that the US ran the PRISM data collection program, and the National Security Agency's Office of Tailored Access Operation spyware operations – both exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013. The Marble framework used by the CIA to obfuscate its cyber-ops, revealed by Wikileaks in 2017, is also mentioned.

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