Let’s be clear, eating genetically engineered food is safe, healthy, nutritious, and delicious. Hundreds of millions of people buy and consume

Rejecting GMOs hinders human progress and keeps the poor hungry

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2024-06-05 05:00:03

Let’s be clear, eating genetically engineered food is safe, healthy, nutritious, and delicious. Hundreds of millions of people buy and consume GE foodstuff daily to the betterment of themselves, their families, and the farmers they buy from. While GE crops and derived foods have been extensively and successfully safety tested for decades, the ill-founded anti-GE activist movement persists in railing against the research, production, and consumption of GE commercial fabric and food crops. This unfounded rejection has historically and will continue to hinder and otherwise negatively impact human prosperity and growth; this is particularly the case for the world's poorest people. 

As of the date of publication, many NGOs and extreme environmentalists continue to advance an agenda that seeks to prohibit, delay and restrict civilization’s ability to deploy genetic engineering in modern agriculture for the enrichment of humanity in general and the world’s poor in particular. 

A strictly GE/GMO-free, certified organic lifestyle may well be enjoyed without notable consequence by a minority of wealthy individuals in developed countries, but forcing such a lifestyle upon the world’s poor is unjust, unethical, unproductive, and unnecessary. Those who support human progress, and the flourishing of human civilization, have a duty to counter this erroneous agricultural nonsense where and when the opportunity presents itself. To make a stand for the flourishing of humanity, a flourishing much enriched, both figuratively and literally, by agricultural genetic engineering and modern agricultural chemicals and methods. 

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