I've been harnessing the power of AI tools in my day-to-day work as a developer, and the results have been astounding. Some of the tasks I've offloade

The Bookworms' Burrow

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Style Pass
2024-06-07 15:30:02

I've been harnessing the power of AI tools in my day-to-day work as a developer, and the results have been astounding. Some of the tasks I've offloaded to AI include:

The list goes on, but the bottom line is this: what used to take me a day or two can now be accomplished in mere minutes. The productivity boost is undeniable.

Of course, AI isn't a silver bullet. It can't magically decipher who's responsible for a failing API endpoint or eliminate the headache of end-to-end testing (though we can dream, right?). However, for tasks that were once time-consuming roadblocks, AI has become an invaluable ally.

Let's consider the implications. If AI consistently boosts developer output by 20%, the same workload that previously required 100 developers could now be handled by 80. This could lead to two scenarios: either a reduction in the demand for developers or significant downward pressure on wages.

The impact of AI on the professional translation market offers a sobering parallel. Surveys show that a significant percentage of translators have already experienced reduced rates and income due to machine translation.

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