The State of the TI Community -

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Style Pass
2024-10-09 12:00:03

Ahh, the TI community. Just as everything gets corrupted given enough time, now it's the TI community's turn. I remember back in the days of the regular NES. I got it in 1988 and back then games were good. There were only a handful out there and they were well-crafted. The emphasis was gameplay and design. The NES set the stage for just about every type of genre out there. Then we reach the Super NES which was half-full of innovative games and then many clones. By the time we reach the days of the N64, Playstation, and high-end PC's, we don't have a whole lot. It's kind of sad really, that with all off the new technology, most of the new games suck bad. Doom comes out and then 30 Doom clones are released in the following month. Give me a break! What happened to the creativity? It's turned into money-madness, clones, and who can push the most polygons. Funny I play my SNES more than my N64 and Playstation. Now don't get me wrong, not every game is crap that comes out. It's just that only a few are truly good and show the inspiration of 1988. Metal Gear Solid (the third installment in the Metal Gear series) is about the only original and truly well-done game in the last year that I can think of. I guess you could call me a video game purist. I'm harsher than Roger Ebert panning movies when it comes to me rating video games. It used to be that just about every video game in a game magazine looked good. Now you pick up a GamePro and it's full of look-alike games. Every other month you *might* see a cool game. What ever happened to the good old days?

You're probably wondering how I'm going to compare this to the TI community. Well, I can tell you right now that I'm absolutely not going to bash the games. The games and programs from the TI community are its best part! What I am going to say though, is that just like the video game industry, the TI community is suffering.

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