I was watching one of his most popular videos and I realised towards the end that it was actually an ad. It blended in so well that I needed to write

How John Rusanov cleverly weaved a mobile app ad into this post

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Style Pass
2024-04-20 12:30:02

I was watching one of his most popular videos and I realised towards the end that it was actually an ad. It blended in so well that I needed to write a post!

Take note that the video predominantly follows the same pattern as his prior ones. It’s only in the closing segments where he introduces the sponsored app. That way, viewers are hooked onto the video, and will now want to watch to its conclusion.

Product selection is key. Gauth’s target audience is the same as John’s - Gen Z’s who are either in school or university.

The transition to the sponsored content is very smooth as well. Why? Because John chose the right topic for this video - math and history quizzes, which is exactly what the app helps with.

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