About 61% of working Americans are more afraid of retiring than of dying, and 64% fear retiring more than getting divorced, according to a national survey for LiveCareer in June.
Those concerns reflect grim pictures painted by other studies over the years as the population continues to get older and live longer.
About 20% of Americans ages 50 and older have no retirement savings, according to an AARP survey in January. It also found 61% are worried they won’t have enough money for retirement.
All baby boomers – those born between 1946 and 1964 – will be 65 or older by 2030. By 2040, roughly 78.3 million Americans will fall within that age group, the National Council on Aging says.
Other concerns include a loss of identity, says Psychology Today, which notes, "for many people, their job is a big part of their identity."
Other fears include health problems, which may affect the ability of retirees to live independently because of fears of slipping and falling and other late-life worries, according to the University of Arizona.