Power of Micro Data Centers¶

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2024-09-23 21:30:04

I have had the good fortune of being an author of policy note about micro data centers (MDC). The paper was led by EkStep foundation, the same folks behind UPI, ONDC and other such spectacularly successful projects. Micro data centers, as name suggests, is a small scale data center in about 50 KW to 300 KW power range. They can be a viable alternative to centralized mega data centers which can guzzle up to 10,000 KW or more power.

In this post, I want to explain power engineering characteristics of micro data centers. After all, I am an electrical engineer trained at IITB! Many of my friends and family are also into Electrical Engineering. For example, my school/college classmate is now a managing director for Andhra Pradesh’s power distribution company. These power distribution companies are called DISCOMs for short. I spoke to DISCOM engineers and more about micro data centers.

Besides, I am looking to setup one such micro data center myself. So, I do have skin in the game about what I am talking. So let’s go about this!

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