Every year on Australian roads, tens of thousands of drivers hit kangaroos. So, three years ago, we started a journey to create the world’s first sc

Introducing RooBadge, an innovative approach to deterring kangaroos

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Style Pass
2024-03-31 00:30:06

Every year on Australian roads, tens of thousands of drivers hit kangaroos. So, three years ago, we started a journey to create the world’s first scientifically proven vehicular kangaroo deterrent to help protect drivers and wildlife.

With multiple species of kangaroo found across Australia , all of which react differently to different sounds, producing a single sound to deter them all is nearly impossible. So, in a world-first innovation, RooBadge uses machine learning to compare its GPS coordinates against kangaroo distribution data to optimise its sound, deterring the kangaroo species that inhabit that location.

RooBadge links to an in-car app that automatically activates the RooBadge when travelling through known kangaroo collision hotspots. The in-car app also syncs with the cloud, allowing for over-the-air updates.

The RooBadge utilises a unique approach to audio-based deterrents by mixing meaningful sounds to kangaroos (like bird alarm calls, predatory sounds, and kangaroo foot thumps) with synthetic sounds.

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