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Ghost in the Shell – Part 8 – Use vi(1) Editor

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Style Pass
2024-09-23 16:30:15

You may want to check other articles in the Ghost in the Shell series on the Ghost in the Shell – Global Page where you will find links to all episodes of the series along with table of contents for each episode’s contents.

When I was introduced to vi(1) (or it was vim(1) maybe …) – it really felt strange – like something I have never used before.

I tried to remember what I need to do – and for most of the time I was able to use vi(1) in its really basic usage and this feeling accompanied me till the time I really started using Linux and later FreeBSD as mine main place to live – my desktop/laptop workstation.

I can answer that in the most annoying way – with another question – why learn anything at all? Because … you really do not have to. Just start watching another show on Netflix or get back to your preferred social media platform and scroll thru the timeline till bored … and the answer I can give You is – its the editor that will be available on any UNIX (or Linux) system today – and if You are interested in learning UNIX systems – then “This is the way!”.

Its like with cursive writing – “Cursive is designed to minimize number of times you need to lift your hand away.” – and its the same with vi(1) editor. One of the nuances of it are that you can use arrow [ Left ] [ Down ] [ Up ] [ Right ] keys or … use the native [ h ] [ j ] [ k ] [ l ] keys – which are closer to your hands as they lay down on the keyboard.

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