This post is primarily intended for readers roughly familiar with 2019-era cryptography, especially SNARKs and STARKs. If you are not, I recommend rea

Binius: highly efficient proofs over binary fields

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2024-04-30 16:30:12

This post is primarily intended for readers roughly familiar with 2019-era cryptography, especially SNARKs and STARKs. If you are not, I recommend reading those articles first. Special thanks to Justin Drake, Jim Posen, Benjamin Diamond and Radi Cojbasic for feedback and review.

Over the past two years, STARKs have become a crucial and irreplaceable technology for efficiently making easy-to-verify cryptographic proofs of very complicated statements (eg. proving that an Ethereum block is valid). A key reason why is small field sizes: whereas elliptic curve-based SNARKs require you to work over 256-bit integers in order to be secure enough, STARKs let you use much smaller field sizes, which are more efficient: first the Goldilocks field (64-bit integers), and then Mersenne31 and BabyBear (both 31-bit). Thanks to these efficiency gains, Plonky2, which uses Goldilocks, is hundreds of times faster at proving many kinds of computation than its predecessors.

A natural question to ask is: can we take this trend to its logical conclusion, building proof systems that run even faster by operating directly over zeroes and ones? This is exactly what Binius is trying to do, using a number of mathematical tricks that make it very different from the SNARKs and STARKs of three years ago. This post goes through the reasons why small fields make proof generation more efficient, why binary fields are uniquely powerful, and the tricks that Binius uses to make proofs over binary fields work so effectively.

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