If I had a cent for every time a README tells me to copy-paste some magic onto my `~/.bashrc`, I suspect I would have amassed a sizeable fortune alrea

Your `~/.bashrc` doesn't have to be a mess — Write.as

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Style Pass
2021-06-10 04:00:07

If I had a cent for every time a README tells me to copy-paste some magic onto my `~/.bashrc`, I suspect I would have amassed a sizeable fortune already. I have adopted this solution a long time ago (more than 5 years, probably). Far from being an original idea, I think I stole it from some system daemon after looking at its respective `/etc` config dir. It also draws some inspiration from the Slackware init system. I have this snippet in my `~/.bashrc`: ``` BASHRC_D=~/.config/bashrc.d [[ -r ${BASHRC_D}/bootstrap ]] && . ${BASHRC_D}/bootstrap ``` As you can see, the environment variable `${BASHRC_D}` contains the path to a directory named `~/.config/bashrc.d`. You are free to choose your own preferred location, of course. On `${BASHRC_D}`, I have an executable script named `bootstrap`, which is then sourced if it is readable. It contains the following snippet: ``` for file in ${BASHRC_D}/*.sh; do [[ -r $file ]] && . $file done unset file ``` In short, it iterates through every script with a `.sh` extension on `${BASHRC_D}`. If it is readable, then it is sourced as well. I have just added a new script to `${BASHRC_D}` after installing .NET Core on Debian 10. I was informed that > The .NET Core tools collect usage data in order to help us improve your experience. It is collected by Microsoft and shared with the community. You can opt-out of telemetry by setting the DOTNET\_CLI\_TELEMETRY\_OPTOUT environment variable to '1' or 'true' using your favorite shell. Well, thanks for letting me know. The variable name is pretty descriptive but I don't want to pollute my pristine `~/.bashrc` with it. So all I had to do was to execute the following commands: ``` ~$ echo 'export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1' > "${BASHRC_D}/dotnet_cli_telemetry_optout.sh" ~$ exec bash ~$ echo $DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT 1 ``` Also, there is a big advantage to this layout. What if I want to disable one of these configuration snippets temporarily? There are two options, based on the behavior of the `bootstrap` script: - Rename a configuration snippet with a dumb extension such as `.off`---that is usually what I do; - Or, if you want to be pedantic, remove the read permissions from the configuration snippet.

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