Lure, Résumé, Detail: The 3-Tier Job Search Cake

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2024-10-05 16:00:04

This is a core idea and frustrating truth in The agile comms handbook by Giles Turnbull. If you want someone to pay attention to you and the information you are sharing, you have to make it frictionless. People don’t have time. To deal with this, Turnbull suggests presenting information in three layers, like a cake. At the top is the lure for attracting attention. The middle layer is the context that gives just enough information for the reader (or viewer or listener) to know if they know enough to stop there. At the bottom is the big detail layer, where all the nitty gritty details of the project live.

But what if I, Westley Winks, am the information that I want to share? What if I want people to know about me? I’m starting the job search soon. I need to bake my own three-tier cake and that’s exactly what I did.

The detail layer is my entire professional life. It’s the skills, how I treat my co-workers, long-term achievements, and credentials that shape my professional identity. If people really want the details about who I am professionally, they can look at:

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