The clearest evidence that a new technology is striking a chord is the proliferation of use cases in diverse industries. WebAssembly (Wasm) has quickl

WebAssembly Adoption Grows across Telco, Manufacturing, Tech, and Other Industries | wasmCloud

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2024-10-24 00:30:07

The clearest evidence that a new technology is striking a chord is the proliferation of use cases in diverse industries. WebAssembly (Wasm) has quickly transitioned from theory to practice and, over the last couple of years, more and more engineering teams have introduced it to their architectures. The use cases are varied but what interests engineers is the prospect of forever leaving behind the resource-intensive developer processes that have dogged them for decades.

In this article we’ll take a look at a few interesting examples of how WebAssembly (and CNCF wasmCloud) is being adopted in enterprise, and the benefits teams are starting to see.

Building and maintaining distributed applications has always come with an inherent trade-off. To run them right next to users dramatically improves performance and boosts productivity. However, because the destination is always different, the way we build, the languages we use, and the way we maintain applications has to be done in isolation, on an app-by-basis. Fine when running 1 or 2 apps in a couple of places, but what if it’s tens of thousands running in diverse locations?

Engineers tread a tightrope between keeping applications updated, whilst preserving performance. What has become obvious through years of trial, error and refinement, is that current development methodologies and cloud technologies are not suited to managing estates of applications at scale.

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