A lot has been said about the jobs of the future. In fact, I wrote much of what has been said. From Robot Butler to Climate Refugees, I’ve covered i

Prompt Engineering is a Job of the Past

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2024-02-11 17:30:03

A lot has been said about the jobs of the future. In fact, I wrote much of what has been said. From Robot Butler to Climate Refugees, I’ve covered it all. Mostly, I’ve talked about the jobs AI will create; those are the ones people are most curious about. One such AI job of the present and future has had many of us stumped for the past year or so: “prompt engineer”.

If it doesn’t sound like a real job that someone might be paid to do, trust your instinct. The above is correct for a majority of the “prompt engineers” you see on social media. However, having spoken to actual experts, my thinking has evolved. The truth is closer to:

Though this role is indeed important for today’s tech company, it was more so two years ago. Prompt engineering is doomed to disappear in the coming months.

But first, a little background. Unlike what some would have you believe; actual prompt engineers do not solely experiment with already-built products like ChatGPT. They instead play a critical role in developing and maintaining the datasets used by the model to create a final product.

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