It made me think about how forgiveness plays a huge role not only in our relationships with others but also in our relationship with ourselves. Forgiv

Science Behind Forgiveness: Every Time You Remember, Forgive Again

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2024-09-24 16:30:44

It made me think about how forgiveness plays a huge role not only in our relationships with others but also in our relationship with ourselves.

Forgiving someone, or forgiving yourself, reduces the stress and tension in your body and can lead to relief from physical pain.

Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting, and it doesn’t excuse bad behavior—it’s about freeing yourself from the weight of anger.

If you found this helpful, feel free to forward it to a friend who might benefit from a little peace and joy in their life, too.

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Ehsan Etezad has worked as a coach, consultant, and researcher, investigating and supporting the health and wellness of executives and employees from many industries across Canada. He writes about human motivation, performance, burnout, and how to sustain healthy high performance.

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