Nina Zumel shared another puzzle from Henry Dudeney’s article “The World’s Best Puzzles”, The Strand Magazine, December 1908 with me. The puzz

Dudeney’s Catching The Mice Puzzle – Win Vector LLC

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2024-10-11 21:30:06

Nina Zumel shared another puzzle from Henry Dudeney’s article “The World’s Best Puzzles”, The Strand Magazine, December 1908 with me. The puzzle is “Catching the Mice”, and has a very mathematical flavor. We both became a bit obsessed with it. In particular we became obsessed with working out how to solve this using pencil and paper, as one would have in 1908.

This is a type of puzzle that is actually quite fun to code up and brute force enumerate all the solutions of. It shows what a miracle having access to programmable calculating machines is.

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