copying collectors with block-structured heaps are unreliable — wingolog

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2024-07-10 10:30:02

Good day, garbage pals! This morning, a quick note on “reliability” and garbage collectors, how a common GC construction is unreliable, and why we choose it anyway.

For context, I’m easing back in to Whippet development. One of Whippet’s collectors is a semi-space collector. Semi-space collectors are useful as correctness oracles: they always move objects, so they require their embedder to be able to precisely enumerate all edges of the object graph, to update those edges to point to the relocated objects. A semi-space collector is so simple that if there is a bug, it is probably in the mutator rather than the collector. They also have well-understood performance, as as such are useful when comparing performance of other collectors.

But one other virtue of the simple semi-space collector is that it is reliable, in the sense that given a particular set of live objects, allocated in any order, there is a single heap size at which the allocation (and collection) will succeed, and below which the program fails (not enough memory). This is because all allocations go in the same linear region, collection itself doesn’t allocate memory, the amount of free space after an object (the fragmentation) does not depend on where it is allocated, and those object extents just add up in a commutative way.

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