Generators with UnpinCell

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Style Pass
2024-10-25 14:30:06

In July, I described a way to make pinning more ergonomic by integrating it more fully into the language. Last week, I develoepd that idea further with the notion of UnpinCell: a wrapper type that lets a user take an &pin mut UnpinCell<T> and produce an &mut T, similar to how other cells let a user take a shared reference to the cell and produce a mutable reference to its contents. I believe that this notion can also solve the biggest outstanding issues facing generators: the fact that the Iterator interface does not permit self-referential values.

As I wrote in my explanation of Pin’s design, the biggest advantage that Pin had over other design ideas was that it was a trivially backward compatible way of introducing a contract that an object will never be moved. But this meant that a trait could only opt into that contract using the new interface; traits that existed before Pin and don’t opt into that contract cannot be implemented by types that have self-referential values. The most problematic trait here is Iterator, because generators (functions that evaluate to iterators in the same way async functions evaluate to futures) would ideally support self-referential values just like async functions do. So long as the interface for Iterator takes a mutable reference and not a pinned mutable reference, implementers must assume the iterator can be moved around and therefore can’t be self-referential.

One potential solution would be to add a new trait which is pinned. I’ll call this Generator, but there are other naming options I won’t dwell on here. Like Iterator, it would be paired with a similar IntoGenerator trait, and all generators implement IntoGenerator just like all iterators implement IntoIterator:

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