Our aim to deliver a performance-optimized distribution necessitates recompiling essential Arch Linux packages for generic x86-64, x86-64-v3, x86-64-v

Optimized Repositories

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Style Pass
2024-09-27 08:30:35

Our aim to deliver a performance-optimized distribution necessitates recompiling essential Arch Linux packages for generic x86-64, x86-64-v3, x86-64-v4, and Zen4 architectures.

Our CachyOS-PKGBUILDs repository contains packages that receive ongoing updates, patches and backported fixes. To boost performance, we selectively implement PGO, LTO, and BOLT optimizations depending on the need. We also maintain a couple of -git packages e.g mesa-git.

Installing the CachyOS Pacman will install a forked pacman with features added from CachyOS, like “INSTALLED_FROM” and an automatic architecture check. Pacman 6.1 added a feature validation feature, which could lead when using the Arch Linux pacman into warnings. We are working with Arch Linux to provide a proper compatibility again. If you want to avoid this, don’t add the “cachyos” repository, which contains the customized pacman. All other repositories like cachyos-v3, cachyos-v4, cachyos-extra/core-v3/4 are fine to add.

This script will detect the instruction sets your CPU is capable of and install whichever version of our repositories that are the most optimized for it. It also backs up your old pacman.conf for repository removal via the script.

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