On average, people spend more than 3 hours on their phones each day, picking up their phones nearly 60 times a day … with some people spending close

How to Break Dependence on the Phone - zen habits zen habits

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2024-04-04 04:00:06

On average, people spend more than 3 hours on their phones each day, picking up their phones nearly 60 times a day … with some people spending closer to 4 hours.

These numbers aren’t meant to be judgments — it’s not a bad thing to look at your phone — but instead are meant to bring some awareness to our phone usage.

A lot of people I talk to want to decrease their usage of phones — not necessarily decreasing to zero, but decreasing impulsive usage of their phones.

Many of us tend to grab our phones anytime there’s a lull, and once you get on your phone it can lead to mindless scrolling.

If you don’t have awareness, you can’t change something. So the most important first step is to start to bring mindfulness to your phone usage.

Commit to doing this for a week. You’ll develop beautiful mindfulness around your phone usage, even if you don’t stop using the phone.

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