Unlimited bash/zsh history

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Style Pass
2021-05-22 14:00:06

In bash or zsh the history is my documentation. I have a unlimited history, or at least a super huge history. Once I typed a command into my terminal, on that very machine, it will be there forever or at least for a very long time.

And I have nice autocompletion. If I ever had typed some commands, say cmake -S . -B build and cmake --build build. If I type cmake + ArrowUp key, it will autocomplete to cmake --build build. Another ArrowUo will autocomplete to cmake -S . -B build. You get the point. It takes the written letters and searches through the history all command that started with the letters typed.

I have none. The command I typed 3 months ago …​ what was it? Its in the history. If I remember the first letters I have even a nice search for it. I am happy.

But if you know about any improvements that could be added, please let me know. Just put them in the comment section below. Thanks in advance!

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