VTuber Ceres Fauna from the English branch of hololive's second generation graduated as a talent from the company on January 3, citing "disagreement with management." She will no longer actively produce content on her channel. Paid membership to her channel will end on April 4, along with exclusive video content. Fauna's YouTube channel reached a milestone of 1 million subscribers prior to her departure from the company.
Fauna debuted as a part of the second generation -Council- in August 2021, along with Tsukumo Sana, Ouro Kronii, Nanashi Mumei and Hakos Baelz.
Sakamata Chloe, a member of the Japanese branch's sixth generation Secret Society holoX, will end her activities as a regular talent on January 26. She will remain an affiliate with the company.
First English generation -Myth- member Amelia Watson also transitioned from an active talent into an affiliate on September 30.