Mac malware that steals passwords, cryptocurrency wallets, and other sensitive data has been spotted circulating through Google ads, making it at leas

Mac users served info-stealer malware through Google ads

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Style Pass
2024-06-27 20:30:07

Mac malware that steals passwords, cryptocurrency wallets, and other sensitive data has been spotted circulating through Google ads, making it at least the second time in as many months the widely used ad platform has been abused to infect web surfers.

According to Malwarebytes, clicking on the ads redirected web surfers to arc-download[.]com, a completely fake Arc browser page that looks nearly identical to the real one.

Digging further into the ad shows that it was purchased by an entity called Coles & Co, an advertiser identity Google claims to have verified.

Visitors who click the download button on arc-download[.]com will download a .dmg installation file that looks similar to the genuine one, with one exception: instructions to run the file by right-clicking and choosing open, rather than the more straightforward method of simply double clicking on the file. The reason for this is to bypass a macOS security mechanism that prevents apps from being installed unless they’re digitally signed by a developer Apple has vetted.

An analysis of the malware code shows that once installed, the stealer sends data to the IP address 79.137.192[.]4. The address happens to host the control panel for Poseidon, the name of a stealer actively sold in criminal markets. The panel allows customers to access accounts where data collected can be accessed.

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