In a court filing on October 9, 2024, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) let it be known that it was considering a break-up of Alphabet,

Musings on Markets: Breaking up Big Tech: Cui Bono?

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Style Pass
2024-10-22 22:00:06

    In a court filing on October 9, 2024, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) let it be known that it was considering a break-up of Alphabet, with the addendum that it would also be pushing for the company to share the data it collects across its multiple platforms with competitors. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip, and it is entirely possible that these are threats designed to extract more concessions from the company, but the break-up talk is a continuation of a debate about the power accumulated by big tech companies, in general, and  with Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Alphabet and Meta, in particular, and what should be done about that power. With politicians, economists and lawyers all in the mix, offering widely divergent solutions, I look at the evolution of anti-trust law in the United States, and whether that law can or should be used to counter big tech. In doing so, I will start with the disclosure that I am not a  lawyer, and have no desire to be one, but the problem, in this case, may be that there are too many lawyers involved, and too little business sense. 

    In the latter part of the nineteenth century, as the United States was transitioning from an emerging market to a global economic power, its growth was powered by three industries - steel, railroads and oil - all requiring large investments in infrastructure. In each one of these businesses, powerful men earned their "robber baron" standing by squashing competition and building dominant companies that aspired for pricing power. In oil, it was John D. Rockefeller, who started Standard Oil and built a sprawling empire across the nation, acquiring other players in the still nascent oil business. With Carnegie Steel as his vehicle, Andrew Carnegie took control of the growing steel market, before selling his business to J.P. Morgan, who took it public as US Steel. In railroads, a network of tycoons controlled swathes of the country, with Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jay Gold and Leland Stanford all playing starring roles, as heroes and villains. Along the way, they created the trust structure, organizations of companies which controlled production and prices, effectively monopolizing the businesses . 

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