Repairing database on the fly for millions of users

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Style Pass
2024-10-05 08:00:03

The app followed an extremely strong model of privacy. The app never persisted the user’s data on the servers. All the communication is end-to-end encrypted.

A lot of users of this app, especially, on Android would regularly uninstall and reinstall the app. Now, to prevent these users from losing messages, the messages were backed up to the user’s SD card. In the Android security model, an SD card is a public storage space, accessible to all apps. So, to keep messages private, the backups were encrypted.

Now, suddenly, there was a spike in complaints from users about the app failing to restore their messages. While we had some internal metrics to confirm this, there was no way to debug what happened without access to some samples for reproduction. For a messaging app user, especially ours, messages were memories. Losing messages was losing valuable memories.

We reached out to the users for sample backups to reproduce the problems. And a few replied. All samples were cryptographically fine.

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