One of my favorite idea-having times is when I’m in bed, with my eyes closed, not quite asleep but not quite awake, in the hypnagogic state where th

Sidle | Adam Aaronson

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2024-06-21 20:00:03

One of my favorite idea-having times is when I’m in bed, with my eyes closed, not quite asleep but not quite awake, in the hypnagogic state where the mind starts to make connections and realizations that it wouldn’t normally make during the day. Oftentimes these thoughts aren’t worth remembering, but sometimes I get out of bed and write them down, and sometimes they turn into yearlong side projects.

I had one such thought one night last May in my college apartment in Champaign, Illinois, and it followed me through graduation, into the summer, and to New York City, where over a year after conception, it became a real thing. It’s a game, and it’s called Sidle, and you can play it right now:

Spoiler alert! The rest of this post will reveal a lot about the design and gameplay of Sidle, which I highly encourage you try for yourself before reading on!

I’m not sure how exactly the idea came to mind that fateful May evening, but I do know I must have been playing Wordle (which I should specify, for legal purposes, is not affiliated with Sidle). Like most people alive in the 2020s, I have a Wordle group chat—well, effectively it’s just me and my friend Ming sending our Wordle results back and forth, with our friend Art silently lurking as a courtesy to keep the chat a group chat.

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