Two identical office buildings side by side in Sydney's Barangaroo provided a perfect opportunity for solar energy researchers to test a long-hel

Study finds green roofs make solar panels more efficient

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2021-08-24 06:30:12

Two identical office buildings side by side in Sydney's Barangaroo provided a perfect opportunity for solar energy researchers to test a long-held hunch.

What they found was that the "green roof" improved performance by as much as 20 per cent at peak times and by 3.6 per cent over the length of the experiment.

"We are blessed in Australia to have so much sunlight but temperatures above 25 degrees make photovoltaic panels less efficient," he said.

"We had heard of anecdotal evidence there was improved performance but we have seen up to 3.6 per cent increase in solar panel output," he said.

"Now that doesn't sound like a lot but with solar panels at the moment to even get a one or two per cent increase is a big deal."

Lucy Sharman, sustainability manager for Lendlease, which owns the building said the study proved "something that's been a bit of theory for a while".

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