Refurbished computers can be a cheaper alternative, but experts advise it should come with a warranty. (ABC News: Danielle Bonica )
"The dollar figures! It reminds me of a cartoon character where you see the dollar signs roll up into your eyeballs," she said.
"I don't think you can go and get a cheap one that's even under $500 these days, and that's a good month's grocery bill."
These days just about everything is being done online. But new research highlights how hard that's making life for thousands of Australians still living without phone and internet.
Children's charity the Smith Family helped Kelly by providing a refurbished laptop for Maddi, who is starting high school.
"She's [Maddi] not going to be left behind now. She's not going to be one of those students that have to either borrow one from school or feel left out that she hasn't got one."
"Eighty-three per cent of young people who get access to a laptop at home see an improvement in their grades," he said.