Problem: It's the end of a long week and your soul is tired from the endless monotony of slowly but surely conforming your behaviour to accommodate so

Alright, let's Fedify

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2024-06-15 22:30:02

Problem: It's the end of a long week and your soul is tired from the endless monotony of slowly but surely conforming your behaviour to accommodate social acceptability as defined by our algorithmic overlords.

Solution: Pull up a chair and engage in escapist optimism by reading about an equally disheveled group of souls working at Ghost on a quest to federate and achieve technological independence via ActivityPub.

This week's episode begins with our small group of rambunctious rabble-rousers quietly huddled around a small table, dimly lit by a flickering bulb, discussing last week's newsletter.

Last week we discussed our research into different approaches for building ActivityPub support as a separate service, and answered more of your questions. This week, as promised, we've made a decision on direction — and that's what we're going to talk about in some detail.

We've talked about how ActivityPub is too big of a thing to build directly into Ghost core, but what does it mean to make it a "separate service" ? The easiest way to think about this (as with most ActivityPub things) is by making a comparison to email, which Ghost also supports.

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