Descartes famously said

I like the way you like it like that

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Style Pass
2024-08-30 19:30:03

Descartes famously said "I think, therefore I am" — but it wasn't until several years later when we started getting likes on Instagram that we collectively came to the realization that the meaning of life, in fact, revolves around a consistent stream of dopamine hits from the internet.

And while some networks used the 'like' as a growth hack to build habitual dependency with push notifications, the feature permeated the rest of the web because of the versatility of how it's used.

It's with that totally-not-over-the-top philosophical introduction that we join our furry heroes this week as they take on a fearsome new decentralized gauntlet.

This past week we started working on inbound likes. Specifically: When you publish a post into the Fediverse and somebody clicks the 'like' button, that information makes its way back to you.

It's a simple thing, but it's kind of a big deal. With this milestone, Ghost is for the first time exceeding the functionality of a basic RSS reader. This is 2-way interaction. You publish, and your readers can respond.

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