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Moving Your Luggage Abroad with My Baggage: Review

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2024-05-11 18:30:06

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When you move overseas, how do you send your luggage to your new home? This is something that I had to deal with recently, with my move from the United States to the Czech Republic.

There was a time when the vast majority of my belongings fit into one backpack — a time when I dressed exclusively in hippie pants and beer t-shirts. That’s not the case anymore (AND THANKFULLY SO!). I’ve acquired a lot of things that make me happy over the years.

I moved out of my New York apartment in November 2019. I kept most of my furniture, books, and belongings in a storage unit for the time being; I brought an SUV’s worth of personal items to my mom’s house.

My plan was to spend the next few months in Cuba, Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador, then come back home and move to Prague in May; when COVID hit, my plans went haywire.

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