Paradise By the Dashboard Light: A Ballad of Agency Loss - AE Studio

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2022-01-23 14:00:05

We lost an icon. Rock stars come and go, most having discussed what they would do for love, but few who insisted upon what they won’t.

I suppose we’ll remember every lyric as if we played it only yesterday every time we park by a lake without another car in sight. Sure, we may one day find better looking partners, and eventually the kids at school won’t be jealous of our aging bodies, still close if not tight. But they felt so good and so right so many years ago.

So while our frozen environs glow like the metal on the edge of a knife, we’ll hold on tight to our memories and our double-entendres. Seated in the northern midwest, penning essays for an LA-employer, it is truly cold and lonely in the deep, dark night. But I can play “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” forever, remembering both the song and the man who wrote it. Truly, I am doubly blessed.

I remember being barely seventeen and wishing my girlfriend was barely dressed. Our hearts drowned out Napster rather than the radio, and evenings ended with few regrets and my motor running considerably faster than my parents’ Volvo’s.

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