Understanding the misunderstood Kessler Syndrome

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2024-06-18 11:00:02

I rony isn’t just limited to life in 1-g. Last year, a discarded payload adapter from a European Space Agency Vega rocket was orbiting Earth as it had for the past 10 years, when radars showed it had company — a small number of new objects traveling with it. ESA concluded that a “hypervelocity impact” with a piece of debris had broken fragments from the adapter.

Here’s the irony: ESA was preparing to dispatch a spacecraft to the adapter to demonstrate a technique for removing such debris, the goal being to reduce the odds of collisions that would make the trash problem worse.

The collision “actually shows how much we are running against the clock here,” says Portuguese engineer Tiago Soares. He’s the lead engineer at ESA’s Clean Space office, which helped conceive the planned cleanup demonstration, ClearSpace-1.

“We need to have reactive removal services available,” he says. Otherwise, debris could continue colliding with the growing number of spacecraft in orbit, producing more hazardous debris, and “it’s going to be much harder in the future to operate in space. There’ll be a lot more risks of losing satellites or losing a mission.”

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