I wrote a  book. The publication date is May 29, 2024 (if you’d rather not deal with Amazon, your bookstore can also order it from the distributor I

Life Since the Baby Boom

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Style Pass
2024-05-23 02:30:15

I wrote a book. The publication date is May 29, 2024 (if you’d rather not deal with Amazon, your bookstore can also order it from the distributor Ingram Spark, or print-on-demand if they have the equipment). You can read it for free here, although it’ll be in serial form. My fond hope is that you’ll find it so compelling that you just buy the book instead of waiting 8 months to see what happens. There will be a chapter each week, 33 in all.

In Chapter 2, we recounted Len’s retirement from Chrysler in 1990, and his lack of any real plans. He does get on Prodigy, though!

Reading in serial form has a long and honorable history. My cover artist sent me this “Read Like a Victorian” website. Enjoy.

Len met them at the airport. Walt had never been there. He said if he hadn’t married someone from Detroit, he’d probably never have come. 

Len hated Detroit’s decaying Metro airport. Janet said it reminded her of all her trips home when she was at MIT. Nothing had changed since then, she said, except it was older and shabbier. 

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