This is entirely focused on Tech and directionally focused on younger people. In the end, you have to adapt or die. It’s a long post so enjoy if thi

Tech Success for Men in Their 20s - Adapt or Die

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Style Pass
2024-09-24 17:00:04

This is entirely focused on Tech and directionally focused on younger people. In the end, you have to adapt or die. It’s a long post so enjoy if this applies to you!

In the 18th century, it was those sailing across the atlantic to trade shiny pebbles for expensive beaver pelts. Or in the 19th century, selling denim jeans to California gold rushers. More recently in the 20th century, walking into an office with a firm handshake and strong eye contact™

In any time, in any place, in any system, there are always loopholes. Although these people are now gone, the sly fox still lives through their sons

Those descended from fur traders are now hiring dot indians instead of feather indians. The denim jean sellers are now selling to memecoin addicts. The firm handshakers are now sending razor-sharp DMs

Your goal is to figure out the meta, quickly, so you can capitalize on it before others discover it. The world is getting more competitive each day:

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