He has just set a Guinness World Record for the fastest wheelbarrow after clocking speeds of 52mph (84km/h) during Straightliners Speed Week 2024 at E

Mechanic builds record-breaking 50mph wheelbarrow

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2024-06-06 18:00:02

He has just set a Guinness World Record for the fastest wheelbarrow after clocking speeds of 52mph (84km/h) during Straightliners Speed Week 2024 at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire.

He built the motorised contraption in his shed in Crymych, Pembrokeshire, and, when push came to shovel, smashed the previous record of 46mph (74km/h).

Joined by his "proud but also slightly bemused" partner Emilie, Dylan completed two runs through a speed trap on the 100m course in the machine that's part wheelbarrow, part scrap scooter.

He said: "It’s uncomfortable and it’s terrifying. Slowing down is the issue - it's only got brakes at the front.

“Touch wood I’ve not come off it or had any mishaps with it, it’s just uncomfortable. It does leave you aching after a couple of runs because it’s got no suspension and it just rattles you to bits.

"I ended up building the wheelbarrow for fun. In a little practice run, messing about, I got 37 mph and then the question got asked if there was a land speed record for it.

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